When reaching higher surfaces is difficult or dangerous, the use of drones are a good alternative. Cool-FX lends itself to be sprayed with a drone. However, the dilution might be different than with other types of application. The mixing ratio and duration of application can vary with the type of drone. There are two main types of spraying drones: drones with nozzles, and drones with a rotating disk. With a rotating disk, you can change (size of the drops) the settings during flight.
The number of kilos remains the same as with other application methods, but less water is needed to apply it. Application with a drone is also a lot safer, while the result may be better and more accurate.
- Apply the coating to a clean and dry cover to obtain the best wear resistance.
- Apply the coating during dry weather with relative humidity < 80% on a dry greenhouse. A wet greenhouse cover dilutes the layer. Keep an eye on the weather forecast.
- Do not apply during rain or when rain is forecast over the short-term (within 12 hours). Rain damages a coating that has not yet totally dried.
- Apply at a temperature between 15 and 30 degrees Celsius. Otherwise the drying time will be too long and the coating will be wet during the night and may become damaged due to condensation.
- Do not apply when windy (max. 7 km/hour). The layer may become too thin and overspray may occur.

applying the coating
- Make sure the surface you want to coat is dry and as clean as possible. The cleaner the surface, the better the wear resistance will be.
- Determine the square meters of the surface. One bucket of Cool-FX will cover 200 to 300 square meters, depending on the roof material.
- Fill the mixing tank with a layer of clean water, to avoid the coating from sticking to the bottom of the tank. Mix Cool-FX with roughly 3 times the amount of water to a homogeneous solution.
- Fill the tank of the drone. Either directly from the mixing tank, or with a funnel.
- Start the application
- Adjust the droplet size to the weather conditions. Do this by changing the by adjusting the nozzle or disc rotation speed.